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      【名稱】 circular of the state council concerning the approval and tra

     ns-mission of the suggestions of the ministry of commerce, the ministry of

     foreign economic relations and trade, and the ministry of materialsup

     plies regarding the further checking up and rectification of varioustypes

     of com


      important notice: (注意事項)

      英文本源自中華人民共和國務院法制局編譯, 中國法制出版社出版的《中華人民


      當發生歧意時, 應以法律法規頒佈單位發佈的中文原文為准.

      this english document is coming from "laws and regulations of the

      people’s republic of china governing foreign-related matters" (1991.7)

      which is compiled by the brueau of legislative affairs of the state

      council of the people’s republic of china, and is published by the china

      legal system publishing house.

      in case of discrepancy, the original version in chinese shall prevail.

      whole document (法規全文)

      circular of the state council concerning the approval and trans-

      mission of the suggestions of the ministry of commerce, the ministry of

      foreign economic relations and trade, and the ministry of material

      supplies regarding the further checking up and rectification of various

      types of commercial wholesale companies, foreign economic relations and

      trade companies, and material supply companies

      (october 18, 1989)

      in accordance with the requirements of the "decision concerning the

      further checking up and rectification of companies" of the central

      committee of the communist party of china and the state council, the

      suggestions of the ministry of commerce, the ministry of foreign economic

      relations and trade, and the ministry of material supplies regarding the

      further checking up and rectification of various types of wholesale

      commercial companies, foreign economic relations and trade companies, and

      material supply companies, are hereby transmitted to you, and you are

      requested to implement accordingly.

      suggestions of the ministry of commerce concerning the further checking up

      and rectification of various types of wholesale commercial companies


      suggestions of the ministry of foreign economic relations and trade

      concerning the further checking up and rectification of various types of

      foreign economic relations and trade companies

      in accordance with the "decision of the central committee of the communist

      party of china and the state council concerning the further checking up

      and rectification of companies", and on the basis of the "circular of the

      state council concerning the further checking up and rectification of

      various foreign economic relations and trade companies", suggestions are

      hereby put forward concerning the further checking up and rectification of

      various foreign economic relations and trade companies (hereinafter

      referred to as "the foreign trade companies"):

      1. foreign trade companies at various levels and of various types attached

      to the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the

      central government, and municipalities under separate planning

      (hereinafter referred to as "the various localities), as well as those

      attached to the various departments under the central government, must all

      conduct the checking up and rectification strictly. those foreign trade

      companies at various levels and of various types that are not in

      conformity with the prescribed requirements shall resolutely be abolished

      or merged, or their right to handle import and export trade shall be

      revoked, strictly in accordance with the provisions of "the suggestions

      concerning the abolition or merger of companies attached to the various

      departments under the central government" put forward by the national

      leading group for the checking up and rectification of companies. the

      emphasis of the checking up and rectification is laid on the foreign trade

      companies at various levels and of various types that have been

      established since 1988; after the checking up and rectification, if it is

      really necessary to retain one or two of them, the case shall be submitted

      to the ministry of foreign economic relations and trade for reexamination

      and confirmation strictly in accordance with the six prerequisites for the

      establishment of foreign trade enterprises, as prescribed by the aforesaid


      2. foreign trade companies that fall under one of the following

      circumstances shall resolutely be abolished or merged, or their right to

      handle import and export trade shall be revoked:

      (1) companies that do not settle their foreign exchange with the bank of

      china or with other banks designated by the state administration for

      foreign exchange control, and have evaded foreign exchange control


      (2) companies that have colluded with external businessmen and helped them

      purchase export goods directly from the inland or handle export business,

      thereby helping them evade foreign exchange control;

      (3) companies that have been established in the same department or in the

      same region, handling the same or similar business, so they are just

      reduplicate setups;

      (4) companies that do not have the necessary conditions for handling

      foreign trade, or lack external marketing channels for handling export

      trade but do so chiefly by entrusting other companies;

      (5) the branch offices set up by local foreign trade companies outside the

      provinces (autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the

      central government) for handling import and export business.

      (6) subcompanies of the second or third rank with the right to handle

      import and export trade, established by comprehensive foreign trade

      companies attached to various local governments.

      3. after the completion of the strict checking up and rectification,

      foreign trade companies at various levels and of various types shall be

      established in accordance with the following provisions:

      (1) with the exception of the ministry of foreign economic relations and

      trade, from among the foreign trade companies attached to the various

      departments under the central government, one company for each of the

      aforesaid departments may be retained, depending on their respective

      needs; where one or two departments really need(s) to set up companies for

      specialized products, the case shall be examined and confirmed by the

      ministry of foreign economic relations and trade separately; as to the

      other companies, they shall all be abolished or merged, or their right to

      handle import and export business shall be revoked.

      (2) from among the comprehensive foreign trade companies attached to

      provinces (autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the

      central government), only one or two shall be retained; as to the other

      companies, they shall all be abolished or merged, or their right to handle

      import and export business shall be revoked.

      (3) for those localities (including the municipalities at the prefectural

      level, the same below) that have already been vested with the right to

      handle import and export, business, only one or two companies shall be

      retained with their right to handle import and export, on condition that

      they meet the actual needs and the prescribed requirements;

      as to the other companies, they shall all be abolished or merged, or their

      right to handle import and export business shall be revoked (with the

      exception of those companies in guangdong and fujian provinces which were

      established before the end of 1987).

      (4) for those economic and technological development zones that have been

      approved by the state council, only one foreign trade company with the

      right to handle import and export business shall be retained; as to the

      other companies, they shall all be abolished or merged, or their right to

      handle import and export business shall be revoked.

      (5) the right to handle import and export trade of those foreign trade

      companies attached to the counties (including municipalities at the county

      level, the same below) shall be revoked (with the exception of those

      companies in guangdong and fujian provinces which were established before

      the end of 1987). as to one or two special cases where the foreign trade

      companies meet the prescribed requirements and handle only the local

      specialties of their counties, that is, the third category of export

      commodities promising a bright prospect of export sales, and thus it is

      necessary to retain their right to handle import and export business, such

      cases shall be submitted to the ministry of foreign economic relations and

      trade for approval.

      (6) from among the foreign trade companies, attached to various provinces,

      autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government,

      municipalities under separate planning, and special economic zones that

      handle barter transactions with the soviet union and the east european

      countries, only one or two companies shall be retained; as to the other

      companies, they shall all be abolished or merged, or their right to handle

      import or export business shall be revoked.

      (7) from among the trading companies, attached to counties adjacent to

      border ports which are established with the approval of the state council

      and handle petty barter trade in the border areas, only one company shall

      be retained for each of the aforesaid counties; where a port county does

      not meet the prescribed requirements, a trading company at the region (or

      prefecture, municipality) level, over the port may be retained; as to the

      other companies, they shall all be abolished or merged, or their right to

      handle petty barter trade in the border areas shall be revoked.

      4. all international economic and technological cooperation companies

      established without the approval by the state council or by the ministry

      of foreign economic relations and trade shall all be abolished. with

      respect to those international economic and technological cooperation

      companies (including those companies which handle economic and

      technological cooperation business with the soviet union and the east

      european countries that have been approved by the state council or by the

      ministry of foreign economic relations and trade, and those international

      economic and technological cooperation companies that engage in the

      expansion of business contacts for external economic and technological

      cooperation or in the trial management of the exportation of export

      commodities of the third category, all the localities and departments

      shall, in accordance with the seven prerequisites for the establishment of

      companies of the aforesaid type as formulated by the ministry of foreign

      economic relations and trade, carry out a strict checking up and

      rectification on the aforesaid companies, and then submit the cases to the

      ministry of foreign economic relations and trade for re-examination and


      5. it is necessary to re-verify and confirm the business scope of foreign

      trade companies at various levels and of various types.

      the first category of export commodities, as prescribed by the state,

      shall be handled by the national foreign trade corporations, or the

      national industry and trade import and export corporations as well as by

      their branch offices and subsidiaries in accordance with the approved

      business scope, and the aforesaid corporations shall also undertake to

      fulfil the export plan transmitted by the state, and the tasks to turn

      over a definite amount of foreign exchange earnings to the central

      government. all the other foreign trade companies are not permitted to

      handle export commodities of the first category; where the aforesaid

      provisions are violated, the foreign exchange earnings obtained shall all

      be confiscated and be turned over to the central government, and the

      responsibilities of the persons in charge shall be investigated. a strict

      control should be exercised over the business scope of foreign trade

      companies for handling export commodities of the second category. the

      foreign trade companies attached to various departments under the central

      government shall handle products of their own industries in accordance

      with the business scope approved by the ministry of foreign economic

      relations and trade, or handle export commodities of the second or third

      category in accordance with the approved business scope; the specialized

      foreign trade companies attached to provinces (autonomous regions,

      municipalities directly under the central government) shall handle export

      commodities of the second or third category in accordance with the

      appraised and confirmed business scope; as to those comprehensive foreign

      trade companies attached to provinces (autonomous regions, or

      municipalities directly under the central government), the foreign trade

      companies that are attached to prefectures and have retained their right

      to handle import and export business, and the foreign trade companies in

      the economic and technological development zones, they shall be permitted

      to handle only export commodities of the third category. the various

      categories of foreign trade companies that handle export commodities of

      the second and third categories shall all undertake to fulfil the export

      plans and the tasks to turn over a definite amount of foreign exchange

      earnings to the central government or to the local governments. the import

      business of foreign trade companies at various levels and of various types

      shall be handled in accordance with the business scope of import

      commodities approved by the ministry of foreign economic relations and

      trade and also with the existing pertinent provisions.

      6. the foreign trade companies with their business scope, which are

      attached to various localities and various government organs and have been

      retained after the checking up and rectification, shall be submitted to

      the ministry of foreign economic relations and trade for examination and

      approval; with respect to the foreign trade companies at various levels

      and of various types in guangdong and fujian provinces that were

      established after examination and approval, the framework for the

      abolishment and merger of these companies formulated in the process of the

      checking up and rectification shall also be submitted to the ministry of

      foreign economic relations and trade for examination and approval. the

      foreign trade companies that have been retained after verification and

      confirmation shall present the examination and confirmation certificate

      issued by the ministry of foreign economic relations and trade to the

      administrative departments for industry and commerce for examination and

      approval, and then go through the procedures for registration.

      the foreign trade companies at various levels and of various types located

      in hainan province and in the special economic zones shall be checked up

      and rectified in accordance with the pertinent provisions and the unified

      arrangement. the foreign trade companies at various levels and of various

      types have been retained after the checking up and rectification shall be

      submitted by their respective competent departments for foreign economic

      relations and trade to the ministry of foreign economic relations and

      trade for the record.

      in the event that a company has been discovered not in conformity with the

      aforesaid provisions, the ministry of foreign relations and trade has the

      right to abolish it, or revoke its right to handle external business, or

      to readjust its business scope.

      7. in accordance with the decision of the central committee of the

      communist party of china and the state council that henceforth government

      organs from the state council down to the people’s governments at various

      levels shall, in principle, not directly manage any companies, foreign

      trade companies at various levels and of various types as well as

      companies that chiefly handle import and export business shall all be

      placed under the leadership and administration, in their line of industry

      and business operations, by the ministry of foreign economic relations and

      trade and by the local competent departments for foreign economic

      relations and trade in accordance with the unified policies formulated by

      the state.

      8. after the completion of the checking up and rectification, the import

      and export business related to their own products, as conducted by large-

      and medium-sized technology-intensive production enterprises and

      conglomerates of the closely-knit type, shall be examined and approved by

      the local competent departments for foreign economic relations and trade,

      and then submitted to the ministry of foreign economic relations and trade

      for the record; in the event that a production enterprise or conglomerate

      is discovered to be short of the prescribed qualifications for handling

      import and export business, the ministry of foreign economic relations and

      trade has the right to overrule it. an application, which is filed by a

      national or transprovincial conglomerate for handling import and export

      business, shall be examined and approved by the ministry of foreign

      economic relations and trade.

      suggestions of the ministry of material supplies concerning the further

      checking up and rectification of various types of material supply








