出自 Tw.18dao.net
- 中文:一切的
- 拼音:
- 注音:˙
- 英文翻譯:all-in
- 例句1:所有這一切的反應都要非常迅速,只有那些打乒乓訓練有素的人,才能成功地做到。
- 翻譯1:All this must happen with very great speed, and only those who have had a lot of practice at table tennis can do this successfully.
- 例句2:一切的結果都基於它們的原因。
- 翻譯2:All effects are dependent on their causes.
- 例句3:每一個男人都想要一個能投合自己好的一面——高尚的本能與崇高的情操——的女人,同時又想要一個教他忘掉一切的女人。
- 翻譯3:Every man wants a woman to appeal to his better side, his nobler instincts and his higher nature—and another woman to help him forget them.
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x | y | z | 無 |