幽默笑話/英文笑話/Making puppy

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於 2007年1月11日 (四) 17:32 由 Robot (對話) 所做的修訂

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【標題】:Making puppy

【簡介】:Making puppyA man and h...

【正文】:Making puppyA man and his son were walking through a field, and saw two dogs mating.The little boy asked his Dad what was happening. The Father replid,"Well,son, they're making a puppy."The following evening, the little boy was thirsty, so he went from hisbedto get a glass of water. Not being able to reach theglasses, he walked unannounced into his parents bedroom, who weremakinglove in their usual missionary position.Confused, the boy asked what were they doing.The Dad responded very slowly and caringly to his impressionanle littleboy,"Well, son, we are making you a little brother."The little boy replied ,"Please turn Mom over, Dad, I'd rather have ahuppy!"


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