幽默笑話/英文笑話/Becoming A Real Man

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於 2007年1月11日 (四) 17:32 由 Robot (對話) 所做的修訂

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【標題】:Becoming A Real Man

【簡介】:A new two year degree is be...

【正文】:A new two year degree is being offered at LIFE UNIVERSITY,BECOMING A REAL MAN. That`s right, in just six quarters, you toocan be a real man.The program outline:FIRST YEAR Fall ScheduleMEN 101 Combating StupidityMEN 102 You Too Can Do HouseworkMEN 103 PMS Learn When To Keep Your Mouth ShutMEN 104 We Do Not Want Sleazy Underthings For ChristmasWinter Schedule:MEN 110 Wonderful Laundry TechniquesMEN 111 Understanding The Female Response To Getting In At4AMMEN 112 Parenting: It Doesn`t End With ConceptionMEN 113 Get A Life, Learn To CookSpring Schedule:MEN 120 How NOT To Act Like An Asshole When You`re WrongMEN 121 Understanding Your IncompetenceMEN 122 YOU, The Weaker SexMEN 123 Reasons To Give FlowersSECOND YEAR Fall Schedule:SEX 101 You CAN Fall Asleep Without ItSEX 102 Morning Dilemma: If It`s Awake, Take A ShowerMEN 201 How To Stay Awake After SexMEN 202 How To Put The Toilet Seat DownWinter Schedule:MEN 210 The Remote Control: Overcoming Your DependencyMEN 211 How Not To Act Younger Than Your ChildrenMEN 212 You Too, Can Be A Designated DriverMEN 213 Honest You Don`t Look Like Tom Cruise EspeciallyNakedSpring Schedule:MEN 220 Omitting @#%~&*! From Your VocabularyMEN 221 Fluffing The Blanket After Farting Is Not NecessaryMEN 222 Real Men Ask For DirectionsMEN 223 Thirty Minutes Of Begging Is Not Considered Foreplay


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