幽默笑話/英文笑話/The Korean War Is Over

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於 2007年1月11日 (四) 17:32 由 Robot (對話) 所做的修訂

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【標題】:The Korean War Is Over

【簡介】:My husband's brotherinlaw,...

【正文】:My husband's brotherinlaw,Joseph,an American real estate agent,came to China for a short visit to our city.To show hospitality at the welcoming dinner party,Mr.Sun,the host,entertained Joseph with Chinese wine,saying,"According to our custom,a brotherinlaw coming to his wife's native country for the first time must drink three cups of wine."Joseph declined the offer by saying,"Thank you,but I can't drink even one drop.""Then our dinner won't be over without your drinking at least one cup,"insisted Mr. Sun.To this,Joseph responded,"The Korean War is over,Don't attack the Americans any more."


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