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選擇詞義是理解原文的第一步,也是翻譯中的一大難題。英語中一詞多義現象,可謂比比皆是。因此,我們必須通過原詞所在語境(context) 的邏輯關係,反復斟酌,作出適當的選擇,切忌望文生義,也不可草率地簡單搬用詞典釋義。
例: (1) The reform agenda includes such wide-ranging items as… 改革計畫範圍廣泛,包括以下各項內容…… (不按聯合國檔譯"議程"和"項目"。) (2) Tickets can be obtained ad hoc at the entrance. 屆時可以在入口處領到入場券。 (不按聯合國檔譯"特設"。) (3) Open-ended improvement of living standards 無止境地提高生活水準 (不按聯合國檔譯"不限人數的"。) (4) An ad hoc approach 頭痛醫頭腳痛醫腳的辦法(或)治標不治本 (不按聯合國檔譯"特設"。)
例: (1) The democratic reforms have put an end to the system of feudal custom and have brought about radical changes in Tibet, which has now entered a new historic stage. 民主改革結束了封建傳統制度,給西藏帶來了根本性的變化,從而使西藏進入了一個嶄新的歷史階段。(結果) (2) A small old hotel where you are given a warm welcome is a much nicer place to stay than a large modern hotel where nobody smiles or does anything to help you. 一家旅館雖然又老又小,如果對你熱情接待,就比住那種既沒有微笑又不肯幫忙的現代化大酒店舒服多了。(條件) (3) A nation whose people face starvation can hardly be blamed for failing to make debt payments. 如果一個國家的人民在忍饑挨餓,那就不好責備他們欠債不還了。(條件) (4) This is the thinking of the Polish delegation, which is prepared to participate in the work of any consultative group set up. 這就是波蘭代表團的想法,不過我們準備參加任何為此建立的協商小組的工作。(讓步) (5) I hope that the suspicion that the Maltese Government has acted on external prompting will not prove prejudicial to the consideration of the proposal by those big Powers whose co-operation in the matter is indispensable. 我希望對於馬爾他政府是否由於外界慫恿而這樣做的那種猜疑將不致使那些大國對於這個建議的考慮產生任何成見,因為大國在這件事情上的合作是必不可少的。(原因) (6) His delegation considered that the Commission had reached a correct solution when it had decided to formulate the text of the article without referring to the issue of dispute settlement. 他的代表團認為委員會找到了一個正確的解決辦法,即決定在擬定條款案文時不提爭端解決的問題。(同位語)
以上原則也適用於分詞短語、介詞短語等結構。 例: (7) But having embarked on a series of measures of unprecedented severity, at considerable cost and still greater risk to ourselves, in order to secure the return of the Rhodesian people to their true allegiance and to constitutional courses of action, we have the right to ask every Member of this Assembly to give us their fullest support. 但是,既然我們已經付出很大代價並冒著比所付代價更大的風險開始採取一系列空前嚴厲的措施以使羅德西亞人民恢復他們的真正歸屬並重新按憲法行事,那麼我們就有權要求大會的每一個會員國給予我們最充分的支援。(原因) (8) … and that subject, I submit, is vast enough and important enough to merit consideration on its own without being complicated with other marine problems which, though undoubtedly related, are nevertheless not strictly relevant to this present discussion.
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