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< 漢英詞典
- 中文:酶
- 拼音:méi
- 注音:ㄇㄟˊ
- 資訊:國標碼:C3B8 部首:酉 筆劃:14 筆順:12535113155414
- 英文翻譯:enzyme
- 例句1:生物轉化體內物質的化學轉化,如通過酶的作用
- 翻譯1:Chemical alteration of a substance within the body, as by the action of enzymes.
- 例句2:自溶(作用)一種由物質的作用,例如酶,所產生的對機體組織或細胞的破壞作用,這種物質產生於機體內部
- 翻譯2:The destruction of tissues or cells of an organism by the action of substances, such as enzymes, that are produced within the organism.
- 例句3:同工酶,同功酶具有相同的生化功能的一種酶的不同化學形式中的任一種
- 翻譯3:Any of the chemically distinct forms of an enzyme that perform the same biochemical function.
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