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< 漢英詞典
- 中文:穎
- 拼音:yǐng
- 注音:|ㄥˇ
- 資訊:國標碼:D3B1 部首:頁 筆劃:13 筆順:3531234132534
- 英文翻譯:clever;gifted
- 例句1:愛瑪·伍德豪斯家境富有,人又聰穎、美麗,處於這種環境裡的人有些嬌生慣養,自以為是,也在情理之中。她剛剛參加了她的朋友、伴侶、前家庭教師泰勒小姐嫁給鄰近的鰥夫韋斯頓先生的婚禮。
- 翻譯1:Emma Woodhouse, rich, clever, beautiful, and no more spoiled and self-satisfied than one would expect under such circumstances, had just seen her friend, companion, and ex-governess, Miss Taylor, married to a neighboring widower, Mr. Weston.
- 例句2:她不厭其煩地講述她聰穎的兒子。
- 翻譯2:She never tires of talking about her clever son.
- 例句3:新方法、革新機智的詭計、辦法或方法,尤指新穎別致的方法;創新
- 翻譯3:A clever trick, method, or device, especially one that is new and different; an innovation.
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