出自 Tw.18dao.net
< 漢英詞典
- 中文:比
- 拼音:bǐ
- 注音:ㄅ|ˇ
- 資訊:國標碼:B1C8 部首:比 筆劃:4 筆順:1535
- 英文翻譯:ratio;(particle used for comparison and "-er than" );to compare;to contrast;to gesture (with hands)
- 例句1:在日本,棒球比其他任何運動都受人歡迎。
- 翻譯1:Baseball is more popular than any other sport in Japan.
- 例句2:這條街道比那條短四倍。
- 翻譯2:This street is four times shorter than that one.
- 例句3:遲到總比不到好。
- 翻譯3:Better late than never.
a | b | c | d | e |
f | g | h | j | k |
l | m | n | o | p |
q | r | s | t | w |
x | y | z | 無 |