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< 漢英詞典
- 中文:幕
- 拼音:mù
- 注音:ㄇㄨˋ
- 資訊:國標碼:C4BB 部首:巾 筆劃:13 筆順:1222511134252
- 英文翻譯:tent;stage curtain
- 例句1:舞臺燈光暗了下去,這齣戲的第一幕結束了。
- 翻譯1:The stage lights (were) dimmed, and the play's first act was over.
- 例句2:你能幫我把簾幕取下來嗎?
- 翻譯2:Will you help me take the curtains down?
- 例句3:新簾幕與地毯的顏色非常協調。
- 翻譯3:The new curtains tone in beautifully with the carpet.
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