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< 漢英詞典
- 中文:令
- 拼音:lǐng, lìng, líng
- 注音:ㄌ|ㄥˇ, ㄌ|ㄥˋ, ㄌ|ㄥˊ
- 資訊:國標碼:C1EE 部首:人 筆劃:5 筆順:34454
- 英文翻譯:order;make or cause to be;command;decree;honorable
- 例句1:公爵命令僕人把一封信送給國王。
- 翻譯1:The duke ordered the servant to send a letter to the king.
- 例句2:他雖被命令不許去,但還是去了。
- 翻譯2:He went, notwithstanding he was ordered to stay.
- 例句3:國王命令侍衛長馬上把犯人帶來。
- 翻譯3:The king ordered the Grand Chamberlain to bring the prisoner immediately.
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