幽默笑話/英文笑話/African diplomacy

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【標題】:African diplomacy

【簡介】:The new American ambassador...

【正文】:The new American ambassador was being entertained by anAfrican diplomat. They`d spent the day discussing what the country hadreceived from the Russians before the new government kicked them out."The Russians built us a power plant, a highway, and an airport. Pluswe learned to drink vodka and play Russian roulette." The American frowned. "Russian roulette`s not a very nice game." The diplomat smiled. "That`s why we developed African roulette.If you want to have good relations with our country, you`ll have toplay. I`II show you how." He pushed a buzzer, and a moment later six magnificently built,nude women were ushered in. "You can choose any one of those women to give you oral sex," he toldthe American. "That`s great," the ambassador said. "That doesn`t seem muchlike Russian roulette." "Oh, it is. One of them is a cannibal."


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