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【外文提名】:Medical University of Sofia保加利亞








     Faculty of Medicine醫學

     1. Department of Anatomy, histology and cytology"解剖、組織、細胞學

     Laboratory for contemporary quantitative morphological studies實驗培養

     Electron microscopy laboratory電子顯微鏡

     2. Department of Physiology生理學

     3. Department of Chemistry and biochemistry, physics and biophysics生化物理

     Sector of Physics and biophysics生物物理學

     Sector of Chemistry化學

     Sector of Biochemistry生物化學

     Molecular biology and Biochemistry research laboratory分子生物與生化實驗

     4. Department of General biology and pathological physiology基礎生物與病理

     Sector of General biology基礎生物學

     Sector of Pathological physiology病理

     Kinetic methods for determination of trace elements in biologic and organic samples research and diagnostic laboratory診斷與器官取樣與實驗

     5. Department of Microbiology, virology and medical genetics with genetic counseling centre醫學微生物與遺傳

     Sector of Microbiology and virology微生物、濾過性微生物學

     Microbiology and virology diagnostic laboratory診斷實驗

     Sector of Medical genetics遺傳

     6. Department of Pathoanatomy解剖

     Training laboratory實驗室訓練

     Scientific laboratory科學實驗

     7. Department of Experimental and clinical pharmacology& disaster medicine臨床醫學

     8. Department of Dermatology and venereology, clinical immunology and allergy diseases皮膚醫學,免疫

     Sector of Dermatology and venerology皮膚醫學與性病學

     Sector of Clinical immunology and allergy diseases臨床免疫

     Center of Reproductive medicine生殖中心

     9. Department of Neurology and neurosurgery神經外科

     Sector of Neurology神經學

     Sector of Neurosurgery神經外科

     10. Department of Roentgenlogy and radiology放射

     Sector of Roentgenlogy放射

     Center of nuclear medicine核醫學

     11. Department of Propaedeutics of surgical diseases外科基礎

     12. Department of Propaedeutics of internal diseases內科基礎

     13. Department of Surgical diseases外科

     Sector of General surgery普外

     Sector of Urology泌尿科

     14. Department of Internal diseases and therapy內科治療

     Sector of Cardiology心內

     Sector of Pulmonology呼吸

     Sector of Endocrinology內分泌

     Sector of Nephrology腎臟

     Sector of Hematology血液

     Sector of Gastroenterology消化

     15. Department of Orthopaedics, traumatology, physiotherapy and rehabilitation整形創傷理療與康復

     Sector of Orthopaedics整形

     Sector of Physiotherapy and rehabilitation理療與康復

     16. Department of Anaesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care麻醉、急診、ICU

     17. Department of Obstetrics& Gynaecology婦科

     18. Department of Paediatrics兒科

     19. Department of Otolaryngology, facial and orthognathic surgery and ophthalmology耳鼻喉、頜面、眼科

     Sector of Ophthalmology、眼科

     Sector of Otolaryngology耳鼻喉、

     Sector of Facial and orthognathic surgery、頜面外科

     20. Clinical laboratory檢驗科

     21. Oncology center腫瘤

     Sector of Oncology surgery外科腫瘤

     Sector of Oncology gynecology婦科腫瘤

     22. Sports center理療中心

     Sector of Medical rehabilitation and occupational therapy康復與職業療法

     23. Foreign languages center外語中心

     Faculty of Public Health公共衛生

     24. Department of Health care, medical ethic and information technology management保健、體檢和資訊管理

     Sector of Health care and medical ethic management衛生保健與醫療管理

     Sector of Information tehnology信息

     25. Department of Social and preventive medicine, pedagogics and psychology預防醫學心理學

     Sector of Social and preventive medicine預防醫學

     Sector of Pedagogics, medical pedagogics an psychology醫學教學與心理學

     26. Department of Hygiene, medical ecology,occupational diseases and disaster medicine職業病、醫用生態學、

     Sector of Hygiene, medical ecology and occupational diseases職業病

     Sector of Disaster medicine

     27. Department of Psychiatry and medical psychology精神治療

     28. Department of Infectious diseases, epidemiology, parasitology and tropical medicine傳染病、流行病、寄生蟲、熱帶病

     Sector of Infectious diseases傳染病

     Sector of Epidemiology, parasitology and tropical medicine流行病、寄生蟲、熱帶病

     29. Department of General medicine, forensic medicine and deontology基礎醫學、法醫學

     Sector of General medicine基礎醫學

     Sector of Forensic medicine and deontology法醫學

     Higher Medical Institute of Plovdiv保加利亞布拉維迪夫高等醫學院

     University of Medicine Varna保加利亞瓦爾那醫學院

     University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest羅馬尼亞布加勒斯特醫科大學

     University of Medicine and Pharmacy of ClujNapoca羅馬尼亞那博卡醫藥大學

     University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi羅馬尼亞伊阿斯醫藥大學


     University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Targu Mures羅馬尼亞穆勒醫藥大學


     University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara羅馬尼亞提米索拉醫藥大學


     University of Oradea Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry羅馬尼亞奧拉德大學醫學院和牙科







