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【外文提名】:University of Plovdiv









     Faculty of Languages and Literature語言文學

     Philosophy B.A.哲學

     Bulgarian and Russian Language and Literature B.A.保加利亞與俄國文學

     Bulgarian and English Language and Literature B.A.保加利亞與英國文學

     Bulgarian and French Language and Literature B.A.保加利亞與法國文學

     Bulgarian and German Language and Literature B.A.保加利亞與德國文學

     Bulgarian and Modern Greek Language and Literature B.A.保加利亞與希臘文學

     Russian and English Language and Literature B.A.俄國與英國文學

     Russian and French Language and Literature B.A.俄國與法國文學

     Russian and German Language and Literature B.A.俄國與希臘文學

     Bulgarian Language and Literature and History B.A.保加利亞語言文學史





     Sociology B.A., M.A.社會學

     Bulgarian Language and Literature B.A.,M.A.保加利亞文學

     Russian Language and Literature B.A., M.A.俄國文學English Lan guage and Literature B.A., M.A.英國文學Slavonic Language and Literature M. A.斯拉夫文學

     Balkan Studies M.A.巴爾幹研究

     Faculty of Education教育學

     Education B.Ed.教育學

     PreSchool and Primary School Education B.Ed.學前教育

     PreSchool Education and a Foreign Language B.Ed.學前教育與外語教學

     Primary School Education and a Foreign Language B.Ed.基礎教育與外語教學

     Social Education B.Ed.社會教育

     Special Education B.Ed.特殊教育

     Physical Education B.Ed.體育教學

     Acting in Drama Theatre B.A.戲劇舞臺表演

     Faculty of Mathematics and IT IT與數學

     Mathematics B.Sc. Applied Mathematics M.Sc. Computer Science B.Sc電腦科學

     Faculty of Physics物理系

     Physics B.Sc., M.Sc.物理

     Engineering Physics B.Sc., M.Sc.物理工程

     Physics and Mathematics B.Sc.物理數學

     Information and Communication Systems B.Eng.資訊系統

     Faculty of Biology生物

     Biology B.Sc.生物

     Ecology and Environmental Protection B.Sc., M.Sc.環保

     Biology and Chemistry B.Sc.生化

     Molecular Biology B.Sc., M.Sc.分子生物

     Microbiology M.Sc.分子學

     Genetics M.Sc.遺傳學

     Plant Biotechnology M.Sc.植物培養

     Cell Biology M.Sc.細胞生物

     Zoology M.Sc.生態學

     Anthropology M.Sc.人類學

     Faculty of Chemistry化學

     Chemistry B.Sc.化學

     Chemistry and Physics B.Sc.化學物理

     Inorganic Chemistry M.Sc.無機化學

     Analytical Chemistry M.Sc.分析化學

     Medical Chemistry M.Sc.醫學

     Nutritional Chemistry M.Sc營養化學

     Organic Chemistry M.Sc.有機化學

     Applied Chemistry M.Sc.應用化學

     Chemistry and Ecology M.Sc.化學與生態

     Organic Materials in High Technology M.Sc.技術應用

     Faculty of Law Law LL.M.法律

     Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences經濟

     Macroeconomics B.A.宏觀經濟學

     Marketing B.A.市場學

     International Economic Relations B.A.國際關係

     Economic Management B.A.經濟管理

     Political Science B.A.政治科學








